
Sketches on H.M.S. Providence;
including some sketches from later voyages
on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin.

(Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)


1. The Providence and (her Tender) the Assistant 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


2. The Bread Fruit of Otahytey G.T. 1792 / about the size of a Shaddock / Section of the Fruit

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


3. Santa Cruz, (and the Peak) Teneriffe 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


4. Port praya, in the Island St. Jago Cape de Verde Islands 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


5a. Portugese Man of War (so called by Seamen) Its natural size G.T. 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


5b. Flying Fish of St Jago Cape De Verde Islands / Rather more than half the size of Life G.T. 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


6. Sucking Fish About two thirds the size of Life GT.1791 A. Apparently the back B. Apparently the Belly

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


7. Cape Town and the Table Mountain Cape of Good Hope 1791 / Wreck of the Guardian

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


8. Table Bay Cape of Good Hope South East Gale 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


9. Mother Cary's Chicken (so called by Seamen) The Size of Life 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


9 (reverse). Barnacles (so called by Seamen) found on a spar - Western Ocean - about half the natural size / GT Princess Charlotte June 7th, 1808

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


10. Bonetta / G.T. 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


10 (reverse). Blue Bird of Virginia Size of Life nearly / George Tobin Thetis 1797. This bird and the Virginia Nightingale are common in Bermuda

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


11. Near Elseburg Cape of Good Hope 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


12a. The Pearl Rock Cape of Good Hope 1791 G.T.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


12b. Rock, near the Pearl 1791 G.T.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


13a. Pintado Bird Near Cape of Good Hope About the size of a Widgeon / G.T. 1791

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


13b. Fish of Adventure Bay, Van Diemans Land Size of Life G.T. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


13 (reverse). Woodpecker of Virginia Two thirds the size of Life / G. Tobin Thetis 1795

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


14a. Bird of Van Diemans Land About three fourth its natural size GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


14b. Bird of Van Diemans Land. Nearly as large as life GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


15a. Animal of Adventure Bay in Van Diemans Land About the size of a Roasting Pig G.T. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


15b. Fish of Adventure Bay, Van Diemans Land Size of Life G.T. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


15 (reverse). Bird of Virginia Size of Life / Geo. Tobin Thetis 1794

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


16. Native Hut (or Wigwam) of Adventure Bay, Van Diemans Land 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


17. Wooding Place, in Adventure Bay, Van Diemans Land 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


18. In Adventure Bay Van Diemans Land 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


19. Birds Eye view of Adventure Bay etc etc From near Fluted Cape 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


20a. Near the Pearl Rock Cape of Good Hope 1791.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


20b. Near the Pearl Rock Cape of Good Hope 1791.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


21. View from the lowland to the Northward of Adventure Bay Van Diemans Land 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


22. [Coastal profiles of] St. Pauls [and] Van Diemans Land

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


23. Island of Maitea Called by Captain Wallis (in ) Osnaburgh Island 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


24. Point Venus Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


25. The Observatory etc etc Point Venus, Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


26. Near the Mouth of Whapiano River, Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


27a. Fish of Otahytey - Oeeree - Two thirds the size of life GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


27b. Fish of Otahytey - Aihowha - Two thirds the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


27 (reverse). Gulph weed - Lat.26.N. Long. 74 W. GT. 1799 / Daiker[?]

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


28a. Fish of Otahytey - Poarow - Two thirds the size of life GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


28b. Fish of Otahytey - Parewow - One third the size of life GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


29. Canoes of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


30. On Matavai River, Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


31. A Toopapow, with the Corpse on it - Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


32. On Matavai River, Island of Otahytey - from recollection 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


33. Matavai Bay, Island of Otahytey - Sun set 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


34. On Matavai River, Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


35. On Matavai River, Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


36. Matavai Bay, and the Island Tetheroa. From the hills, South of the bay - Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


36 (reverse). Spruce Partridge of Nova Scotia - G.T. - Resolution 1796 - about half the size of life

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


37. In the district of Oparrey, Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


38. In the district of Whapiano, Island of Otahytey - Looking towards Matavai 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


39. The Morai at Oparrey, Island of Otahytey - Loking towards Matavai 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


39 (reverse). Kill dee or Sand Plover of Virginia, Size of life George Tobin Thetis 1795

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


40. On Matavai River. Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


40 (reverse). Otolan of Virginia Size of life George Tobin Thetis 1794 This bird is common throughout the United States, as well as in Nova Scotia.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


41. A double Canoe with the Eotooa (God) and provisions on the prow - Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


42. Morai Point, at Oparrey - Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


43. The Body of Mow-Oroah an Otahytean Chief 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


44. In the district of Tetaha, Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


45. On Matavai River - Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


46. Near the watering place, Matavai - Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


47. In Oparrey Harbour - Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


48. Tarra Heads, in Matavai bay - Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


49. The watering place Matavai - In the Island of Otahytey 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


50. Figures called Ettee, Island of Otahytey. Carved on a tree 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


50a. Epinephelus Merra. Block.pl.32g.[?] / Fish of Otahytey called by the natives Tearow - George Tobin Providence 1792 / They vary in size but Trevor saw one above a foot in length.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


51a. Fish of Otahytey - Tearow. The size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


51b. Fish of Otahytey - Tapee. The size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


51 (reverse). Silver Eel, of East Florida - Half the Size of life G.T. Thetis 1795 - Cut in half, for the convenience of pasting in the book.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


52a. Tateehee. A Fish of Otahytey - Size of life G.T. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


52b. Oeeree. A Fish of Otahytey - Two thirds the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


53. Parroquet of Otahytey - Veney - Two thirds the size of life GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


53b. Bird of Otahytey - Omawmow - Size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


54a. Bird (singing bird) of Otahytey - Otatarrey - Size of life, nearly. GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


54b. Swallow of Otahytey - Opeia - The size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


55. Parrot of Otahytey Ah, Ah Two thirds the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


56. Heron of Otahytey Rather larger than the common curlew GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


56 (reverse). Jay of Virginia half size of life George Tobin Thetis 1795

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


57. Noddie of Otahytey About one half the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


58a. Shovel nosed Shark of Otahytey Mow-Tamowtows GT. 1792 / A. Under part of the Head B. The upper part

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


58b. Fish of Otahytey (Did not get the name) Half the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


59a. Fish of Otahytey Owhey Two thirds the size of life (nearly) GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


59b. Flying Fish of Otahytey Tepa Size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


59c. Fish of Otahytey Ayewyew The size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


60a. Fish of Otahytey Efaia The size of life (nearly) GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


60b. Fish of Otahytey Eaiow Some were taken - four or five pounds GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


61a. Fish of Otahytey Poarow They were sometimes taken above twenty pounds GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


61b. Fish of Otahytey Oeeree GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


61 (reverse). Robin of Virginia, about three fourths of size of life George Tobin Thetis 1794 This bird is common from Nova Scotia to Georgia

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


62. In Adventure Bay, Van Diemans Land 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


63a. Pilot fish of the Atlantic Ocean about half the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


63b. Fish The size of life Taken from a Dolphin's Stomach. Gulph of Florida GT 1793

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


63c. Cat fish of East Florida (GT 1795 Thetis)

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


64. North West side of Whytootackay 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


65. [Coastal profiles of] Mayorga Islands [and] Blighs Islands GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


66. [Coastal profiles of] Blighs Islands [and] New Hebrides 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


67. Island D, or the Devils punch bowl (one of the northern of the New Hebrides) SW/W 3 or 4 miles distant 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


68a. Canoe of Sunday Island (one of Blighs Islands) GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


68b. Canoe of the Island Whytootackay GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


69. Boobie (so called by Seamen) One third of its natural size. Lat 12.00 South Long 151 East GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


70. [Coastal profiles in] Torres Straits GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


71. [Coastal profiles in] Torres Straits GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


72. Sea Bird Torres Straits about the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


72 (reverse). Madras Lark of Virginia, Size of life George Tobin Thetis 1795

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


73. Sea Bird Possession Island Torres Straits about two thirds the size of life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


74. Dove From Look out Island Torres Straits about two thirds the size of Life GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


75. Torres Straits. The general "Order of Sailing" September 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


76. Torres Straits. The Providence and Assistant obliged to fire at the canoes Sept 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


77. Torres Straits The meeting of the Cutter and Canoes September 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


78 (reverse). Cock and Hen Virginia Partridges (or Quails) about half the size of life George Tobin Thetis 1795. These birds are common in the United States & Bermuda and are sometimes seen in the West Indies.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


79. Cock and Hen Quail Island Timor About the size of Life GT. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


80. Coupang, in the Island Timor GT 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


81. Ground Dove Island of Timor. About the size of life. G.T. 1792

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


82. Dolphins A Male B Female (so say Seamen). GT 1793

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


82 (reverse). Flying Gurnet of Black Island North America George Tobin Thetis 1796 Size of life.

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


83a. West side of Port Morant, Jamaica, Blue Mountains etc 1793

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


83 (reverse). Mocking Bird of Virginia Size of life. This bird is common in the United States, but I never saw it as far North as Nova Scotia. At Jamaica, they are in abundance. Geo. Tobin. Thetis 1794

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


84. Bluefields Jamaica 1793

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]


85. [Bird] Aug. 18th. 1811 off C. Machichacas [Mackicpacas?] North Coast of Spain Size of life GT Pss Charlotte

(Series 02: Sketches on H.M.S. Providence; including some sketches from later voyages on Thetis and Princess Charlotte, 1791-1811
by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

[Click on image to view in larger format in a new window.]